Well, people they say the Columbia River will close on Friday, April 13, for Spring Salmon. We will have to wait and see if Oregon and Washington fish and game departments decide to extend the season again. I wish we could decide our season like the commercial Gillneters can. I don’t agree with that at all.
But don’t worry the Willamette River is really starting to get in shape. I have already heard of some Salmon being caught in the lower Willamette River. I expect in the next few days the Willamette water level will come down and clear up in great shape for salmon fishing.
Where to Salmon fish on the Willamette River? I will be salmon fishing in the lower river from the head of the channel to the mouth of the Willamette. I like to use a flasher, don’t be afraid to use double flasher set up, and of course good green label herring. Because the Willamette River gets a large run of Spring salmon I will keep fishing the river until middle of June.
There are other great trolling areas throughout the Lower Willamette River including Downtown Portland, the Sellwood Bridge, South Waterfront and more all the way up to the Willamette Falls.
Call Marvin’s Guide Service an get hooked up.
Last Updated on by Marvin

Hey do u remember me? I fought my first big fish w u if you still have the pic can u send it to my email pls :). I want to show my daddy.