Oregon and Washington fisheries managers have now extended the 2024 Columbia River spring chinook fishing season a third time.
Here are the newly added days you can fish in the river from the boat and bank deadlines below Bonneville Dam down to the lower river at Tongue Point:
- Friday, May 17 through Sunday, May 19
- Saturday, May 25 through Monday, May 27
- Wednesday, June 12 through Saturday, June 15
This ODFW news release has more details that you should check out if you plan to fish in this area.
These sorts of in-season changes are fairly common as biologists track how the actual fish returns compare with predictions and their requirements to protect certain runs.
I will continue to book salmon, walleye and giant sturgeon fishing trips on the Columbia River, as my schedule allows. Give me a call or send a text if you’d like to book one of these great trips.
We also still have the option of fishing the Willamette River, even on days when the Columbia is closed. Fisheries managers are forecasting a fairly typical run on the Willamette.
By the way, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife will allow anglers to use a two-rod endorsement on the Willamette River below Willamette Falls starting March 1. You can fish two rods for springers and most other fish, except not sturgeon. (The two-rod rule also will apply to the upper river starting May 1, according to ODFW.)
I offer spring salmon fishing trips on the Willamette River through June. Book your 2024 spring chinook fishing trip by clicking here. Or feel free to call or text me at 503-314-5087 and we can work together to set up the best possible experience for you and your group.
Columbia River chinook salmon
Last Updated on by Marv