Back trolling for salmon with jet divers.  When fishing for salmon do you want to catch more salmon on the Columbia River?

A popular way fishing for salmon on the Columbia River is called backtrolling. I prefer to use a jet diver and a kwikfish.  I like to use size k15 is probably my favorite size.

With your boat headed upstream above the are you wish to fish, run your motor just fast enough to hold your boat even with the current. While holding your boat steady as if it were anchored let your jet diver out and behind your boat. I like to let about 75 to 100 feet of line out.

use a line counter reel so you can know exactly where your lure is at.

When you stop letting line out the current will cause your lure to dive and wiggle.

Backtrolling is the process of allowing your boat and trailing lure to slowly slip downstream while resisting the current enough to cause your lure to dive near the bottom.

On the Columbia River I prefer to use k-14 and k-15 Kwickfish with a sardine or tuna wrap.

In the heavy Columbia River current the pole has a nice bend to it. When the salmon slam it, there is no doubt about it.

there are many other techniques to target salmon on the Columbia River, this is just one of the easy ways.

I’d love to hear some of your backtrolling stories.

Columbia River salmon

Last Updated on by Marvin




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