Here is the Columbia River salmon season set by the Oregon department of fish and game.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Buoy 10 upstream to Tongue Point
Open for adipose fin-clipped coho and adipose fin-clipped Steelhead Aug. 1 to Dec.
31, 2010.
Open for Chinook Salmon Aug. 1 to Aug. 31, or until harvest guideline is achieved.
closed for retention of Chinook Salmon (adults and jacks) Sept. 1 to Dec. 31.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult Chinook salmon and Steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be a
chinook Salmon, when retention of Chinook is allowed.
Minimum lengths for adult salmon are 24 inches for Chinook Salmon and 16 inches for coho Salmon.
The COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Tongue Point upstream to a line projected from
Warrior Rock Lighthouse on the Oregon shore to Red Buoy #4 to a marker on the
lower end of Bachelor Island on the Washington shore
Open for adipose fin-clipped Coho Salmon and adipose fin-clipped Steelhead Aug. 1 to Dec.
31, 2010.
Open for Chinook Salmon Aug. 1 to Sept. 11, or until the guideline is achieved; closed for
retention of Chinook Salmon (adults and jacks) Sept. 12 to Dec. 31, 2010.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult Salmon and Steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be a
Chinook Salmon when retention of Chinook Salmonis allowed), and 5 jacks.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, from a line projected from Warrior Rock Lighthouse on
the Oregon shore to Red Buoy #4 to a marker on the lower end of Bachelor Island on
the Washington shore upstream to Bonneville Dam
Open for Chinook Salmon (adults and jacks), adipose fin-clipped Coho Salmon, and adipose fin clipped
Steelhead Aug. 1 to Dec. 31, 2010, or until the guideline is achieved.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult salmon or steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be a
Chinook Salmon and 5 jacks.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Bonneville Dam upstream to Oregon and Washington
Open for Chinook Salmon (adults and jacks), coho, and adipose fin-clipped Steelhead Aug. 1
– Dec. 31, 2010, or until harvest guideline is achieved.
Coho must be adipose fin-clipped if kept downstream of the Hood River bridge.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult salmon/steelhead in combination and 5 jacks.
Select Area Recreational Fisheries, including Young’s Bay, Blind Slough, Knappa
Open for salmon and steelhead angling as under permanent rules.
The daily bag limit is 2 adipose fin-clipped adult salmon or steelhead in combination
per day, and 5 adipose fin-clipped jack salmon per day
Last Updated on by Marvin