Columbia River Sturgeon fishing On June 6 2010.
On June 6th, I got to the boat ramp at 6 a.m. Man was it raining hard and I did not have my top on the boat.
Pat, Mike, Tom, and I left the dock and headed out on the river. I got the anchor set and threw the first line in the water. The Columbia River is high and fast, I was using 32 oz to stay on the bottom.
After fishing about 30 minutes or so we got our first bite, it was about a 30 inch sturgeon.
It really didnt matter the size, because you can’t keep Sturgeon on Sunday.
We caught a few more small ones, then Pat got a sturgeon that was about 50 inches, but remember it is Sunday so we let that 50 inch Sturgeon go as well.
Mike got a bite, he set the hook and the Sturgeon jumpedit was about 10 foot long, now the fight was on!
I don’t think it could of rained any harder as we battled this monster from the Columbia River. After an hour,we finally got this monster Sturgeon to the boat we took the hook out and let her go back in to the Columbia River.
Then the run really started. We threw our lines back in the water, 15 minutes later we had a bite, it jumped this time it was only about 7 foot or so. The fight was on.
I Dont think the rain ever stopped that day. but it still was a great day on the Columbia river,
2 monster Sturgeon 1 that would of been a keeper on a open day, and about 10 or 12 small Sturgeon.
I will post some picture soon as I recieve them.
Last Updated on by Marvin