Columbia River is expected to have at least 760,000 Fall Chinook Salmon return this year! With numbers like that, plus the big numbers of Coho Salmon, it’s going to be a wild year of fishing for Salmon. You don’t want miss out on this great fishery.
Call Marvin’s Guide Service today and get your days booked, 503-314-5087 as days are starting to fill up fast. We can handle small group of or very large groups as we can hire multiple fishing guides to help us out.
Mid-August is the best time to be fishing the Columbia River around Astoria, Oregon’s, “Buoy 10” at the mouth of the Columbia River.
Chinook salmon can be up to 50 pounds and Coho salmon can be up to 20 pounds.
We troll for these Salmon and it is very common to have multiple fish on at one time.
Besides great fishing Astoria, Oregon, is a great place to visit with many things to do in town.
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Last Updated on by Marvin