January 1 the Columbia River above Bonneville Dam will open for Sturgeon fishing. We will able to fish all seven days of the week,until the quota of Sturgeon are caught! I expect great fishing in this area so don’t expect the season to last long.
You don’t have to be afraid of the cold when you fish with Marvin’s Guide Service as we have a covered and heated boat.
I still have Saturday January 1 open so call me now and get in on the action with the Columbia river Sturgeon.
I launch my boat out of Cascade Locks Oregon, Cascade locks is about 4 miles or so east of Bonneville Dam.
Sturgeon need to be between 38 and 54 inch to keep them. Sturgeon are measured from the tip of the nose to the fork in the tail. (rather than the tip of the tail). You are allowed to keep 1 Sturgeon per day. You may catch and release as many as you can.
Sturgeon is all white meat, Sturgeon have no bones in them, and I think Sturgeon just might be one of the best eating fish on the Columbia River.
Don’t worry if you cant make it up the gorge for some Sturgeon fishing, you still can find plenty of Sturgeon on the lower Columbia River.
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Last Updated on by Marvin