Salmon fishing on the Columbia river follows.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Tongue Point-Rocky Point line upstream to Beacon Rock deadline (boat and bank), plus the Oregon/Washington banks between Beacon Rock and Bonneville Dam
The Beacon Rock deadline is defined as: A line projected from a sign that o is on a dock on the Oregon side of the river across to the exposed downstream end of Pierce Island, then across to a sign posted on the Washington side of the river at Beacon Rock.
Starting 1201 AM Friday, May 27, the entire River from Tongue Point/Rocky Point up River to Bonneville Dam will be open for retention of Chinook salmon and steelhead, for both bank and boat fishing.
Open for shad May 16-Dec 31 from Buoy 10 upstream to Bonneville Dam.
Open to retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead, adipose fin-clipped Chinook (adults and jacks), and sockeye May 15 – June 15 (or until Chinook salmon guideline is met.
The Daily bag limit is two adult salmon/steelhead in combination, of which only one may be a Chinook salmon, and five jacks. Sockeye salmon must be tagged as adults regardless of size. Jack salmon must be adipose fin-clipped to be retained.
Seasons may be subject to in-season modification. Check with fish and wildlife before fishing.
Select Area Recreational Fisheries, including Young’s Bay, Blind Slough, Knappa Slough
Open for Chinook salmon and steelhead fishing as under permanent rules.
Through June 15, when the Columbia River mainstem is open to retention of Chinook, the daily bag limit in Select Areas will be the same as the mainstem daily bag limit.
From June 16 onward, permanent rules remain in effect and the daily bag limit is 2 adipose fin-clipped adulthinook salmon or steelhead in combination per day, and 5 adipose fin-clipped jack salmon per day.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Bonneville Dam upstream to the Oregon/Washington border
Open for shad year round.
Open to retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead, adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon (adults and jacks), and sockeye Saturday May 28 – June 15 (or until Chinook guideline is met).
Daily bag limit: two adult salmon/steelhead in combination, and five jacks. Sockeye salmon must be tagged as adults regardless of size. Jack salmon must be adipose fin-clipped to be retained.
Seasons may be subject to in-season modification.
Summer Chinook Salmon Season is, June 16 – July 31
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Astoria/Megler Bridge upstream to Oregon/Washington border
Open for retention of sockeye, adipose fin-clipped Chinook (adults and jacks), and adipose fin-clipped steelhead.
Daily bag limit: two adult salmon/steelhead in combination, and five jacks. Sockeye salmon must be tagged as adults regardless of size.
Seasons may be subject to in-season modification.
Select Area Recreational Fisheries, including Young’s Bay, Blind Slough, Knappa Slough
Open for salmon and steelhead angling as under permanent rules.
Be sure to check with fish and wildlife before for fishing, as rules can change at any time.
Last Updated on by Marvin

Thanks Marvin for the great salmon fishing trip. It’s the best I’d ever been on. You did an excellent job of taking care of your fishing guests. I highly recommend your fishing guide service.
Glad you guy’s had a good Fishing trip. Thank you, and hope to See you in August at Astoria Buoy 10 for some great salmon fishing.